In principle, a house is nothing more than a big box

Our Managing Partner Fabian Gems spoke to the Styrian Business Promotion Agency about our motivation. You can read the whole article at the following link:

A small excerpt from it:

"SUPASO stands for Sustainable Packaging Solutions. If you ask CEO Fabian Gems what his company does, one sentence comes up: "We replace polystyrene".

And there are good reasons for this. The popular insulating material is obtained from crude oil at great energy expense, tiny polystyrene pellets can end up in the food cycle and polystyrene can only be recycled to a very limited extent. These are all problems that you don't have with cellulose. Co-founder Georg Lackner, who worked in the cellulose insulation industry, tipped the scales. "A house is basically nothing more than a big box," explains Fabian Gems. "So we thought: what works for a house must also work for packaging." Because more and more chilled goods are being shipped, primarily food of course, more and more polystyrene is needed. It is precisely this vicious circle that the SUPASO team wants to break with the use of cellulose insulation."

Thank you for the interview Gernot Zenz!